
Pembroke, Ontario – Cheryl Gallant, M.P. for Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, was pleased to announce that the Federal Government of Canada is now accepting applications from local businesses interested in receiving federal funding through the Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP).

The EODP promotes economic development in eastern Ontario, leading to a diversified and competitive regional economy and prosperous communities. All local businesses are eligible to apply for funding. Decisions for EODP funding are made by the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation (RCCFDC), to ensure that local interests are respected and promoted.

Priorities which the RCCFDC has selected as the focus for this intake of applications are job creation, skills development, the development of new markets, product development, adoption of information and communication technologies, and innovation.

Any commercial enterprise which is interested in applying for EODP funding must submit a Statement of Interest to the RCCFDC. Successful applicants for funding will be chosen from those who have submitted Statements of Interest.

RCCFDC will soon be conducting information sessions to assist local businesses in the application process for the EODP, including providing guidance and assistance in preparing a Statement of Interest.

For more information on these upcoming information sessions, the EODP, or other small business support programs please, visit my website http://www.cherylgallant.com.

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