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I was pleased to visit with Admaston/Bromley Township Mayor Michael Donohue, Councillors Mike Quilty, Robert Dick, Bob Hall, and Annette Louis to announce $2,200 in funding through the Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF).

I would like to congratulate the township on their successful application.

In our technologically-inclined modern world, a website is where people go first to look for information. An accessible website is key to helping residents, and to attract new online business to the township.

The grant will go towards providing adaptive enhancements to the Township’s website, which will make the website more accessible to residents, businesses and visitors.

The EAF supports community-based projects across Canada that improve accessibility, remove barriers, and enable Canadians with disabilities to participate in and contribute to their communities. The EAF was established in 2008 to help fund small projects in communities across Canada to improve physical accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Between 2008 and 2010 the program provided funding to hundreds of accessibility projects across Canada.