Budget Speech Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn reddit * indicates a required field Step 1 of 3 33% Which item in the federal budget do you think is most likely to lead to the next Liberal Sponsorship Scandal? Ecogifts Tax Credit SuperCluster CEO Fund Green Infrastructure Gas Tax Fund Infrastructure Bank Ecogifts Tax Credit The Ecogifts Credit provides a big tax credit for people or corporations that donate land which contains environmentally sensitive areas. The Minister of Environment determines if a piece of land is environmentally sensitive. The Minister of Environment determines if an organization is qualified to receive the gift. The Minister of Environment certifies the value of the land, and thus the value for the tax credit. SuperCluster CEO Fund Budget 2017 calls for $950 million "to be provided on a competitive basis in support of a small number of business-led innovation 'superclusters' that have the greatest potential to accelerate economic growth." That is all the budget says about the Liberals' plans to spend a billion dollars.We all know government’s track record of picking losers to prop up. Green Infrastructure The Parliamentary Budget Officer has repeatedly raised red flags about this government's fast and loose approach to infrastructure. Like the Green Energy Act, the only people who do well seem to be well connected Liberals. Gas Tax Fund They have pilfered over $800 million from unspent Conservative infrastructure funding that should have gone into the Gas Tax Fund, and refuse to tell us where the money went. Infrastructure Bank Infrastructure money originally meant for rural communities has been taken away to “fund” the Liberal's Infrastructure Bank. The taxpayer is paying interest on the money they borrowed to fund the bank and municipal ratepayers will be required to pay more interest and fees to borrow money from this “bank” to complete necessary infrastructure like roads, bridges and sewers. Tell me what you think these new buzzwords mean, or what the liberals are really trying to say.SuperClusterMiddle ClassWhole of GovernmentInternet InclusivityInclusive growthFuturpreneurStrategic procurementSmart cities What is one word you would use to describe this budget?Describe in one sentence what you think of this liberal spending budgetShare your thoughts on the budgetName* First Last Address* Street Address City Postal Code Email* PhoneEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn reddit