
Take The Trudeau Policy Test

  • Justin Trudeau has broken his promise to balance the budget, and instead will run deficits with no end in sight.
    SmartJust SillySort of StupidDumb as a bag of hammersGross Incompetence
  • Justin Trudeau's promise to raise taxes on the wealthiest 1% resulted in $4.6 billion LESS taxes paid by the rich.
    SmartJust SillySort of StupidDumb as a bag of hammersGross Incompetence
  • Canada has seen an increase in urban gang related violence. Trudeau's plan is to increase regulations on rural hunters, and lower or abolish jail sentences for serious crimes.
    SmartJust SillySort of StupidDumb as a bag of hammersGross Incompetence
  • Trudeau is sending your tax dollars overseas to pay off international energy companies into increasing electricity prices for the world's poorest people. Because climate change.
    SmartJust SillySort of StupidDumb as a bag of hammersGross Incompetence
  • Assault weapons have been illegal since 1978. Trudeau has asked the Minister for Marijuana and Broken Borders to study a ban on assault weapons.
    SmartJust SillySort of StupidDumb as a bag of hammersGross Incompetence
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