
Tell Trudeau To Apologize to Veterans


Tell Trudeau To Apologize To Veterans

Our Veterans are tired of being left in the cold with lengthy wait times for claims, being talked in circles with no answers, or buried in bureaucracy and paperwork.

Conservatives believe that our military veterans deserve the utmost respect for their service to our country and the sacrifices that many have made while in uniform.  It is imperative that our elected officials lead by example in demonstrating this respect.

In the last federal election, Veterans were lied to, to get their vote.

It is Trudeau’s responsibility to keep his promises to veterans during the 2015 election, and to apologize to for his disrespectful comments.

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Tell Trudeau To Apologize

  • Dear Prime Minister,

    It is your responsibility to keep the promises you made to veterans during the 2015 election, and to apologize for your disrespectful comments.

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