Seeking Ammunition For Highspeed

Seeking Ammunition For Highspeed

Today’s digital economy means affordable, reliable access to consistent high-speed internet is a determinant to economic productivity, and individual equality of opportunity. Despite the CRTC designating broadband as an essential service more than 5 years ago, many...

Can Members of Parliament Pass A Firearms Quiz?

Despite losing seats in rural Canada, and losing the popular vote, Justin Trudeau is pressing ahead with his plan to ban firearms that look scary. The repeated calls in the Throne Speech to ban “military-style” and “assault-style” firearms should tell Canadians...

Northern Ontario Abandoned in Throne Speech

As the Conservative Shadow Minister for Northern Ontario Economic Development, I expressed my disappointment following the Liberal Government’s Speech from the Throne. Northern Ontario has been completely abandoned by the Liberal Government.  With not a single mention...
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