by Cheryl Gallant | Nov 5, 2020 | Defence & Readiness
Veterans deserve our thanks, not just on Remembrance Day, but every day – for their service, for their sacrifice, and for everything they have given in service of our country. There is a sacred trust between Canadians and those brave soldiers, sailors, and aircrew who...
by Cheryl Gallant | Nov 13, 2018 | News (Local), OP-ED
With huge runaway deficits, Veterans are asking where all the money promised to Veterans in the last election is going. It certainly is not going to balance the federal deficit. The decision to abandon the balanced policy of the previous Conservative government, and...
by Cheryl Gallant | Oct 24, 2018 | News (Local), Press Release
I am urging all Veterans to speak out against government plans to extend wait times for Veterans to receive benefits and support services to which they are entitled. During the last election Trudeau made a solemn promise to Veterans. No service cutbacks. This is...
by Cheryl Gallant | Feb 15, 2018 | CFB Petawawa, Defence & Readiness, Media Release, News (National), Press Release
Today I joined Canadian Veterans on Parliament Hill who have been ‘left in the cold’ by the Trudeau government. The Liberals have repeatedly shown they cannot be trusted to address the issues affecting veterans. They have not honoured the promises they made to...
by Cheryl Gallant | Jul 7, 2017 | News (Local)
A Target on Every Soldiers Back The decision by the Trudeau party to reward a home-grown terrorist with a $10.5 million dollar pay-off endangers the lives of all serving Canadian soldiers. It paints a bull’s eye on the back of every deployed Canadian soldier who is...