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Trudeau Tax Target: Health Plans

Trudeau Tax Target: Health Plans

Trudeau’s appetite for new taxes is insatiable. He won’t stop until every last dollar in your pocket has been gobbled up. The latest #TrudeauTaxTarget is employer sponsored health plans . The Liberals are looking to treat health plans as income, and tax them. Health...

Trudeau Tax Target: Netflix

Trudeau Tax Target: Netflix

The Liberals are getting desperate. Their spending is so out of control, the Finance Department released a report days before Christmas projecting federal budget deficits until 2050. Two years ago under a Conservative Government that same Finance report said Canada...

Cabinet Shuffle Keeps Campgrounds Closing

Cabinet Shuffle Keeps Campgrounds Closing

Trudeau’s Cabinet shuffle was just one more illustration of the Liberals’ hostility toward small businesses. By not appointing a Minister solely responsible for Small Business and Tourism, the Trudeau Liberals are telling Canadians about the diminished importance they...

Disrespecting Our Closest Trading Partner

As Canada’s National Government, the Conservative Party knew one of our first responsibilities was to maintain a respectful relationship with our largest trading partner, the United States. Our country’s prosperity is generated through trade.  One in five Canadian...

Veterans Week

I encourage all residents to join me in honouring and commemorating the courage, service and sacrifice of Canada’s Veterans this Veterans’ Week. Running November 5-11, it’s a time to remember the bravery of the members of the Canadian Armed Forces during the many...

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