Trudeau Tax Target: Serving Soldiers

Trudeau Tax Target: Serving Soldiers

Canadian soldiers are on the front lines in the Middle East in the International War Against Terrorism. While I believe our soldiers are first class, they are getting second class treatment from a Prime Minister who devalues the dangers they face every day. All other...
Trudeau Tax Targets Pensioners

Trudeau Tax Targets Pensioners

Trudeau’s plans to tax employer sponsored health plans will be especially painful for retired Canadians on fixed incomes. Some companies still offer health benefit plans to retired employees. While more and more companies require pensioners to pay for portions...
Trudeau Wants to Tax You Blind

Trudeau Wants to Tax You Blind

The short-sighted decision by the Toronto Liberals to cut eye exams from OHIP for adults aged 20 to 64 led to an increase in blindness among Ontario residents. Blinded by ever increasing budget deficits, the move to tax employer-sponsored health plans by the Trudeau...
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