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Report From Parliament

Now the October 19th 2015 Federal Election is over, it did not take long for the American political operatives who played a prominent role as advisors to the Trudeau campaign to come looking for payback. The decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline will come at a...

Standing up for Ontario Hydro Customers

Standing up for Ontario Hydro Customers

Cheryl Gallant announces support for research into energy and hydro billing practices Ottawa, Ontario - Cheryl Gallant, Member of Parliament for Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, today announced that the Government of Canada will fund two research projects that will study...

Report from Parliament

The latest report by the non-partisan Parliamentary Budget Office(PBO) has confirmed what Canadians already know. When it comes to managing an advanced economy in a first world country like Canada, experience counts! Budgets do not just “balance themselves.” There is...

Report From Parliament

The announcement by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) that Pembroke employer SRB Technologies (Canada) Inc.’s operating licence was renewed for 7 years was not only great news for the 43 workers at the manufacturing facility. It was good news for the...

Report from Parliament

Report from Parliament

The decision by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to take a realistic, balanced approach to concerns over  climate change by not pushing for risky “man-made global warming” Toronto liberal tax grab schemes like carbon taxes and making the cost of electricity unaffordable...

Report From Parliament

Report From Parliament

As the voters of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke know, among many issues, I was elected on the promise that should the Conservative Party become Government, we would abolish the hated liberal long-gun registry. Once Canadians gave us the mandate of a majority government,...

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