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Speech to the House on Supporting Veterans

Below are excerpts from the transcript of debates in the House of Commons, January 30th, 2014 In Debate Ms. Joyce Murray (Vancouver Quadra, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the minister for his words and the expression of the pride Canadians have in the service the...

Report from Parliament

Report from Parliament

Now that winter is upon us, here in every community in the Ottawa Valley, people are lacing up their skates to enjoy our national pastime, skating and hockey! January 18th is Hockey Day in Canada. If you enjoy hockey and a good read, I recommend the book just...

Report From Parliament

Report From Parliament

Photo:  MP Gallant with Sue Staniszewski and Dave Watson of Triodetic Canada.  Triodetic received EODP funding in 2013, which they used to market their products and services worldwide. In this still fragile global economic climate, our Conservative Government...

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